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Courtney Summers-All The Rage


" go missing the same night as a girl everyone loves-and you're the girl everyone hates, and you're the one who comes back."

Romy Grey lost all trust from not only her friends but also her family and her community. When raped by the sheriffs son, Romy was the girl who cried wolf on Kellan Turner, or that's what they thought.

After a popular, old friend of Romy's, and friend to Kellan goes missing, she must either fight or speak up about her past, one she wishes to forget but can't live without.

As she battles constant bullying, branded as a liar and Romy fights to forget about her past but everything about her future focuses on what may be the town's biggest secret.

All the Rage by Courtney Summers is probably one of the best pieces of literature I've ever read. The words expressed throughout the thoughts of Romy were so raw and real that I felt as if I was going through her life alongside her.

I was taken by how moving the story was and how the flow of the story bonded amazingly with how the story was put together. I was drawn into the life of Romy, as she faced nothing but pain and sadness, she was full of life and grew throughout the story.

As the town didn't believe Romy and called it an act of 'attention-seeking', the novel really pulls the heartstrings of rape victims and their families while reading.

The story did move into different elements of Romy's life such as her work, school and family but it really just added to how capturing the content was. I could not put the book down and finished it in one day.

I would most certainly recommend this book.

5/5 stars

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