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How do you feel when you express yourself?

I’ve come to the realization that life would never be the same after I published my first book.

I’m constantly at my computer desk, jotting down ideas that popped into my head as the day went. With my music blasting, I couldn’t help but feel the rush while the words filled the papers with ideas that were unimaginable months before. It was finished, I was an author.

My mind is constantly thinking of my next book idea, what genre I would like to write and my favourite names to incorporate. With books full of short story ideas and a mind full of words just waiting to be used, I developed a passion for not only writing and reading but storytelling.I wasn’t into romance movies or the occasional vampire fantasy but ever since books came into my life, it’s all I dream of. I find myself waking up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night because I am living my book. I want to write powerful stories that will scar your brain and give your voice a reason to be heard. I want to write with knowledge that is unheard of and can’t be comprised by anyone’s criticism because they will never understand what goes on into this big brain full of creativity.

Unspoken Agreement was a start. A Delicate Flower is my clutch and Sincerely, Me will be my next ‘learning to love myself’ project. Fighting back tears as I write because I have never been so passionate about something in my life.

Do you ever just feel so powerful about your writing that when an idea pops into your head that you can do nothing else but want to express that idea and share it with others? Because whenever I feel an idea coming, I literally text my boyfriend right away and get all excited about how one idea could change everything.

I’ve never been happier to have found a way to express myself again.

I use to love being active, playing soccer and going on runs. After a life threatening neck injury that has made me have to stop playing sports and being as active as I use to be, I found myself in a very dark place and had no way to express myself. I turned to poetry and that is where I began my journey to happiness again.

Keep writing <3

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