Madina Papadopoulos-The Step SpinSisters

She thought she could accomplish all her goals through a husband, like a puppeteer with a marionette.
"She has her eye set on the duke. If she succeeds, she’ll be duchess. And I’ll have to live with her and do everything she says. She’ll outrank me.” “Isn’t it funny the way the world works? Just when you thought all your problems were solved, poof!”
As Fredegonde and Javotte's feet are just too big to fit into Cinderella's glass slipper and capture the Prince's love, they missed their chance at love. Or so they thought.
As many suitors come and go, they sisters feel as if their marrying days are over and they will never recover from the glass slipper incident. The real question is, does marriage have to mean love?
What if the fairy godmother came back, just for one last wish and this time, not for Cinderella.
The difference? They want love for land and titles but Cinderella just wanted to escape from their presence. Grasping at a trade, the sisters band together to achieve their quests and receive their wishes, but this easier said than done.
The story of the SpinSisters is told from multiple perspectives and gives a great storyline to what happened after Cinderella found her glass slipper. Her stepsisters want to find love to but in the worst of cases, they fall for the same guy who is marrying Cinderella.
The story is simply magical and gives the reader an in depth perspective to the world they didn't see after Cinderella's "happily ever after".
With many twists and turns throughout the book, you get to know each character and feel for their situations.
I categorized this story as something like a "Shrek" story because of how the fairytale is changed and made into a classic comedy. Between the love, fights and hassling endeavors, this book will leave you wanting to read again.
Fairytales aren't always about finding true love, but about finding your true self along the way.