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An inside look with Shelby Bentil- Diminished Dreams

1. What is the inspiration behind your book?

I originally wrote my book as a creative writing assignment in class during high school. The assignment was to right a play and Diminished Dreams became the longest form of fiction I ever wrote. So, by the end of the assignment I told myself I would turn it into a book. So from that point, over the last 8 years I worked on Diminished Dreams until it became a finished product.

2. When and why did you start writing?

I started writing as a child in grammar school. For me school was a safe haven, home life was very hard, so school was my safe place and writing, specifically creative writing, became my outlet. All the thoughts, ideas and opinions in my head that wouldn't have been understood by others or expressed correctly, verbally came out perfectly with pen and paper.

3.How is your book different from other books?

I've been asked this question many times and the most honest answer I can always give is, I wrote it. This is my story, my reflections, told by me. That's what makes it different. It has my flare on it. That flare that makes me, Shelby.

4. Do you have any advice for upcoming writers?

My advice to upcoming writers is don't be afraid to change it up. That means as you grow, so will your book. Your characters might change or you'll add different ones. The direction you were going in with your book will change and that is ok. The main thing is to not get discouraged and it is ok to step back from the story and come back. It took me 8 years to make Diminished Dreams into what I always envisioned.

5. What was the hardest part of writing this book?

The hardest part about writing Diminished Dreams was being consistent with my writing. Often I became distracted by school, family, and relationships and forgot the book was on my list of goals to accomplish.

6. What genre do you consider your book?

Genre - Realistic Fiction


Follow Shelby's journey:

Instagram: shelby_bentil

Twitter: shelby_bentil

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