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Brian J. Robinson- Adderall Blues

5/5 Review

"Absolutely nothing the twenty-three years inside this head of mine had been the least bit ordinary."

A 23-year-old man describes his life living through an ADHD diagnosis from the age of six years old-the blunt way.

Through school, institutions and family issues, living with a mental illness is more than the eye can see. Brian learns to strive through his 'weaknesses' and develop a love for himself that only determination can bring.

Mental disorders have changed drastically over the decades as they are not seen as disabilities or flaws. Nobody has to conform to societal standards to achieve in the real world- and that's just what Brian does.

Read Adderall Blues by Brian J. Robinson to hear a real perspective on ADHD- a captivating story.

"The most brilliant and unique minds also tend to be the most fragile."

I love the straightforward approach to talking about a mental illness. Robinson gave a heartfelt read describing his experiences with the disorder and I believe this book is something everyone should read.

As mental illnesses can be very life altering and endlessly exhausting, this book used humor, knowledge and understanding to bring the reader on the journey of a young person's mind during the disorder.

The loved the power in the writer's voice as well as how genuine the read was. I found the perspective of the character to be as I was hearing a story from a friend and helping him along his journey.

Adderall Blues by Brian J. Robinson is defiantly an educational and inspiring read as it focuses on the strengths rather than the flaws that come with every person. Mental illness or not, power is within all of us.

The description of the feelings and emotion can be felt through each page and with every word.

Thank you to Brian J. Robinson for sending me a copy to review. It was a pleasure reading his story and finally reading a blunt perspective of ADHD.

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