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Georgina Kane- Awaken: Book One

5/5 stars!

Awaken by Georgina Kane sets dreams against reality when 16-year-old Ethan Drake spends his days in an advanced society that was rebuilt by those who survived. Survived what exactly?

When confronted with nightmares of places and people who doesn't know, Ethan turns to a mentor to help decided what plagued his past in order to conquer his present.

When the human race is in jeopardy, Ethan must decide which to save.

I found this book intriguing and every sci-fi junkies dreams. Ethan’s character is powerful and humble as he faces his dreams everyday in silence.

“Who are you?!” He asked, the anger booming in his voice. “You know who I am Ethan.”

I found this book flowed nicely and transitions were spot on. I loved how you got to know Ethan before any other character as I felt this was a great way to set p the reader to take on Ethan’s life with him and not just watch it happen.

In most parts of the book, I felt like I was with Ethan as he struggled and I just wanted to be there for him as a real friend. I loved how unique the storyline was and how each character was presented down to a tee. I didn’t feel as if I was missing anything while reading Awaken, except for I want to read book two as soon as possible. The book left off on a great transition for the next book and leaves the reader wanting more.

For Georgina’s first book and book one of Awaken, I’m extremely impressed and excited to read part two and see where the story leads.

Preorder your copy of Awaken before the release date of December 5, 2017 at

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