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Stories by Emmy Marucci


I have received a copy of Stories by Emmy Marucci in exchange for an honest review. I would like to thank Emmy for sending me a copy.

Stories is a collection of poetry that is derived from the author’s life as she dedicates her poetry to objects, people and feelings such as fear and emptiness. Her style is unique and captivating as she implemented her own photography within the book. I felt as if this gave the book comfortability and builds a relationship between the reader and the writer.

For Sensitive hearts

I watch your finger

Travel the outline

Of my rib cage

I cover my heart

With your hands

That’s the only way

I want to sleep

I gave this book a 4 out of 5 as some of the poetry was confused didn’t seem to make sense to me. I found some of them short and unfinished and lacked some of them just left me wondering what she was trying to say.

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