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Starstruck by S.E. Anderson


Disclaimer: I received an e-copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

"You're just soaking into every aspect of my life. I thought work could be free of aliens, at least.”

In this Science Fiction Novel we follow Sally Webber, the depressed young adult whose life has been turned upside down by a series of tragic events. Losing her job, living with a mental illness and an alien roommate. Nothing out of the ordinary, right? Sally must save the world

I enjoyed the in depth perspective of how Sally thought as I felt that I was watching a movie. I love how Zander and Sally discuss Zander’s powers and really go the extra mile to experiment while their theories were explained in great detail. This is a fast pace novel that really grabs onto the science side of books and its unique characters really share another perspective to the books already compelling atmosphere.

I wish there were more explanation to various parts of the story such as Sally’s mental health/stability as well as the aliens. The concept was very interesting and easy to read but I felt as if many things were introduced then left out and were never talked about again. I found the prologue very intriguing yet it really had nothing to do with the rest of the book and that really threw me off. Also, in the first chapter there is talks about a hot-air balloon about is never really explained why it is brought up. This is a reoccurring thing in Starstruck. I found many things were unexplained and left in the darkness. For example, Sally clearly has depression and anxiety but you never really hear about it but you know it’s there. I wish this was discussed more and given a perspective as well.

Overall, this book was a great science fiction read. It was fast paced, thrilling and had relatable characters. I gave it a ⅘ stars because I loved the book and it truly made me fall in love with science fiction all over again.

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