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A Cactus In the Valley By Olivia J. Bennett

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

5/5 stars!

“My name is Terra Lombardi, and I am a shooting star falling from the heavens.” * No child should have to bury their parent at the age of 16, nor watch them be eaten by wolves but that’s exactly what Terra and Wyatt did on the second day after their place crashed in a desert of Arizona. As the two teenagers fight the odds and try to survive on their own they battle their inner demons along the way. * The description was my favourite part of the book because I could imagine the pain that Terra Lombardi was going through. Her voice was raw and real and was beautifully represented. I loved the genuine content of the book as the plot was very well thought out and I loved every aspect of the book. The back and forth perspective change from Terra and Wyatt as well as a different look about the characters as the book constantly jumps between their past and their current situations. * “Nothing is so terribly messed up that it can’t be fixed.” * I loved how Wyatt and Terra grew more fond of each other as the book came along, it made me love watching their story unfold. The twists also kept me intrigued as the storyline is more than just two teenagers being stranded, it’s a story of trust, love and perseverance. The story is not only an adventure but it is also a thrilling story for two teeenagers who fight the odds to survive. I found Wyatt’s character intriguing he lets his guard down around Terra throughout the story and the two really open your eyes to how you would act in certain situations, especially being stranded with someone you didn’t know until that time. * “You live everyday. You die once.”

I would recommend this thrilling book to those who love adventure, fiction and coming of age stories as A Cactus In the Valley is a story worth reading and will have you looking at all book differently. Description is key and Olivia J. Bennett produced the elements perfectly. This 5/5 star book is one that needs to be on your to be read list, NOW!

You can purchase her book on amazon by clicking the following link-

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