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The Road Of Us By Sb.Maamari


Disclaimer- I received this book in exchange for an honest review from the author/publishing company.

This is the story of a first love. This is the story of a first heartbreak. And this is the story of two people who simply couldn't rewrite the stars.

sb. Maamari's debut poetry book deals with first intimacy experiences, emotional abuse, trauma, survival, and how love can change a person, for the worst or for the better. Each chapter serves a different story. Each chapter is set in a different time. But all chapters lead to the road of surviving the impossible. Sometimes love can be magical, and out of this world, but can lead to nowhere. This is the road of us.

SB.Maamari’s voice is powerful yet raw as her story is compelling and carefully thought through to tell her story through “The Road Of Us”. Each poem is emotional and gives the reader a beautiful walkthrough of the road less traveled. I connected with many of Maamari’s poetry and as a poetry writer myself, her work inspired me.

“we'll walk away with a new kind of love

a love that was always existent

a love that people write about

a love that people make movies about.

you are my love

and I am yours

so dream of me

think of me

and meet me there at the finish line."

Through a book that is seperated into 4 main parts and then dives into a “rising” aspect of the book, “The Road Of Us” is an amazing piece of art and I would definitely recommend this beauty to anyone who loves a strong and powerful piece of literature. I loved every word and could not put the book down once I started reading. SB.Maarmari’s poetry doesn’t focus on one aspect of life nor sadness but covers a world of hurt, power and strength as this book is very diverse and gives the reader something to devour within their own life. Some were funny and some really made me emotional. Some of the shorter ones were one’s I swear I have seen before but the illustrations were cute and I always love some heartbreaks every here and there.

“my pillows are wet with the salt of my tears

and I think about why you're not near me”

. - bittersweet cravings

I would recommend this book to those who love a good poetry book to devour and read a couple pages before bed in order to ease your mind or your writer's block. The Road Of Us is a breath of fresh air!

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