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Fire and Bone by Rachel A. Marks


“She’d done it. She’d killed him. She’d lost control of the flame.”

Witty, charming and clever, Marks Fire and Bone is a book everyone should have on the top of their TBR pile this summer! The main character Sage is a woman icon for all book lovers as her charism and strength is shown through many physical, emotional and mental aspects of this book!

“You’re not human. You’re what some call a demi, or demigoddess.”

The perspective was absolutely priceless as I loved the raw element of watching Sage learn what and who she is as she is full of sarcasm and disbelief in the more real way anyone would react. The story was intriguing and powerful and I didn’t want to put the book down. A mixture of drama, mystery, fantasy and mythology was the perfect blend for Fire and Bone and I cannot wait for the next book!

I loved being apart of this blog tour and this book really brought its A game when it comes to competing with the fantasy genre. The overall plot was unique, breathtaking and powerful and I plan to read this book over and over again. I would recommend this gem to lovers of fantasy, mythology, mystery and drama. You’re definitely in for a world “oh my”, “what” and “yes, yes yes!”

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